Prayer: A 5-Day Devotional Study

Day 1
Reading: Matthew 6:5-14
There are two images that come to mind when I think of powerful prayer. The first is of old pastors from my childhood that prayed weighty prayers at the end of services. Growing up in a pentecostal church, experiencing spirit filled prayers was normal. The preachers of whom I am speaking are the guys who threw an emphatic “huh” at the beginning and end of every sentence. These church leaders had eloquent prayers and more often than not, the spirit moved when they spoke. The second image that comes to mind is 1 Samuel chapter one.
Hannah was so distressed that her prayer could not even be spoken. Her prayer was in her heart. Verse 11 tells us what her prayer was but verse 13 tells us how her prayer was delivered. “Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved, and her voice was not heard” (v13). I think of the friends and family who I have walked with through such adversity that there were no words. It was simply a silent prayer of the heart.
There are many pastors who will try to tell you how to pray, what to pray, and when to pray. The answers to all these questions are in scripture. Matthew 6 tells us to be plain with God, seeking only God and not the attention of others. Jesus gives us a roadmap of how to pray when we don’t have the words. As for when to pray, there are multiple places that suggest prayer should be an ongoing, continuous act: Romans 12:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Colossians 4:2, Acts 2:42, Acts 6:4, Philippians 4:6.
However you imagine prayer is supposed to be in your mind, it does not matter. You could have been raised in church, like me, with ideas of what spirit filled prayers look like or you could have no experience with the church and no preconceived notion. The basis of prayer, big picture, is that you pray. Commune with God as often as you can. Become familiar with His presence and His voice.
What are your prior experiences with prayer? Are your prior experiences creating any barriers to growing your prayer?
Take a moment and write out your prayers. Not a wishlist. What is in your heart? Be real with God.
Day 2
Reading: Psalms 139:23-24, Hebrews 12:1-2
Psalms are probably my favorite scripture to read when I am struggling to find words. David’s prayers were always so real and very direct with God. In Psalm 139, David prays for God to search his heart. “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! As see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Ps 139:23-24). In verse 23, some translations may say cares. You may be wondering what that has to do with a study on prayer. It is simple: this is a prayer that should be prayed daily. God, search my heart, thoughts, and cares for anything that is not of you.
Every aspect of our lives should be focused on the Holy. In praying that prayer, we turn our focus toward heaven and away from worldly things that would cause stumbling blocks. Hebrews 12 tells us that we are to lay aside every weight, every sin, every anxiety, that causes us to turn away from Jesus. Verse two tells us to look to Jesus. Looking to Jesus is looking away from all those other things that would hinder us. Sometimes those hindrances are not obvious to us. Sometimes we don’t realize they are there until a brother or sister in faith points it out, or we pray to God to point out any hindrance in our heart.
What hindrances are blocking you from growing your faith?
Who are your people that can point out hindrances to you?
Day 3
Reading: Psalms 147, Philippians 4:6-7
Heartbreak can be mild or it can be brutal but one thing is certain: everyone experiences it. Psalm 147 tells us that God heals broken hearts. This particular psalm speaks to the Lord’s desire to build up communities (Jerusalem) and also the individual. The same God who numbers and names every star cares about each of our concerns. Sometimes we don’t feel like we are worthy of bringing our brokenness to God so we let it build walls between us. That is not His desire. Verse 10 tells us that he does not delight in our abilities but in our willingness to lean on Him. The word for “fear” in verse 11 means reverence and the word “hope” means to stay. We need to stay and dwell in reverence of His glory.
Philippian 4 shares the same concept. When we focus all our attention on God and His glory, there is no room for anxious thoughts. The human brain was created so that anxiety cannot exist at the same time as gratitude. As much as you may try, your brain cannot be thinking two things at the exact same time. So the psalmist was onto something when they spent so much of their text praising God. Pastor Jimmy Evans calls this biblical meditation. It is the idea of replacing sinful thoughts, or anxious thoughts, with biblical thoughts. Replace all the lies the devil is speaking to you with truth from God’s word.
What thoughts do you find yourself dwelling on that may create walls between you and God?
List the blessings in your life that you can recount when lies start creeping into your mind.
Day 4
Psalms 34:1-7 hebrews 4:14-16
David writes this psalm after he escaped the Philistines by pretending to be crazy. It’s a great story in 1 Samuel 21 if you want to take the time to read it. David, being the man after God’s heart, knew to always give God the glory and praise. One thing to note in this text is that David doesn’t simply feel gratitude but he vocalizes it. Sometimes we need to be more vocal with our praise to God. He then follows his gratitude by proclaiming that God answered his prayers. He states that those who cry out to the Lord will have their prayers answered.
We are to come boldly before the throne of grace with any need or concern. We often confuse the word boldly because of its Westernized connotation. David Guzik says it beautifully: “Boldly does not mean proudly, arrogantly, or with presumption. Boldly means we may come constantly. Boldly means we may come without reservation. Boldly means we can come freely, without fancy words. Boldly means we can come with confidence. Boldly means we should come with persistence” (Blue Letter Bible).
How can you be more vocal with declaring God’s glory in your life?
What concerns do you need to bring boldly before the throne of grace?
Day 5
John 10:2-5; Ephesians 6:18-20
I have two little dogs. When people come to my house to visit, they do not not mind them. However, when I get my mom-voice out, they listen to me. They know my voice and they know I am their alpha. In the same way, we need to know the voice of Jesus. The only way we know the voice of Jesus is to spend time with him. We need to spend time in his word, spend time in prayer, and spend time in worship.
Ephesians 6 is such a great chapter. The armor of God is worth the read. This particular section of text focuses on the importance of prayer. This is a daily thing we should be doing. Every day when you put on the armor of God, you should be praying. Not only for ourselves, but for those around us. Our walk is not meant to be traveled alone, we are meant to encourage one another in our ministry.
List your go-to scriptures. Take note of others and grow your list.
Who are you praying for? Who can you ask to pray for you?